Akashic Records Healing

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
3 min readAug 26, 2021


Using the akashic records for healing is an ideal way to insure that what is needed for healing is brought forth in due time. We connect with your masters, teachers, and other guides for best results.

We open sacred space using a prayer as recommended by Linda Howe, who’s considered the expert on Akashic healing (to say nothing of Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet who used them to reveal historical accuracies). From there, we proceed asking various existential “why” questions that help us get down to the core of our woundedness and unearth the diamonds waiting for us underneath.

With the records, we operate on diving timing, not on what we’d like to happen. We don’t come to them with a wish to know a past life or so, or even with a specific request requiring a future date. For the most part, with “why” questions, we are pointed in the path of healing. If you read Linda Howe’s Healing with the Akashic Records, you’ll quickly realize how, for the most part, the main purpose of doing readings is to heal, and not tap into something in order to flatter your ego, unfortunately.

With that being said, there are some other extraneous uses for using the records, such as tapping quickly into your higher self to fulfill a stationary task (not mobile, since being in the records can be destabilizing), such as writing a book.


Akasha is a dimension, also known as ether. That’s the fifth element, a highly spiritualized dimension that is found in everything. It’s not an area in the universe, where you could conceivably get there in a physical way using some interstellar technology. That’s like believing that heaven is some place up high beyond planet Earth.

And so, caveat emptor to those shopping around for someone’s help in receiving a reading: some people assumedly use the Records (in the capacity of healer for another) as though they were pinnacled somewhere in some constellation. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s likely that one has, in the spirit of comparison, sought to create a fashionable story that’s marketable. When I’ve asked the Records about why someone would do this, the response was Someone always will try to be on top and get an edge on the competition. In the world of healing, it seems anything is up for grabs. And so, like anything, it pays to do one’s homework and not get fooled by people who are snake oil saleswomen selling you some wolf’s hide as sheep’s wool.


The client nor therapist never really knows what will come up, or even what is required. Again, akasha is the Sanskrit word for ether in the esoteric tradition. When in it, one may experience that it is non-local and non-temporal: it is normal to feel slightly elevated, yet still grounded.

​In the end, the masters and teachers of the records bring us exactly what we need with respect to healing. Every time I enter the akashic realm, I learn something new, and by the time I exit, I am not the same person that I was prior to entering the healing process.

I’m a coach and healer, a teacher and culture cruncher. Contact me at info@patrickrosewood.com.



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