Divine Life Coaching

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
8 min readFeb 18, 2021
A Lax Kw’Alaams Eagle, representing all-encompassing Love, which subsumes all of the Seven Sacred Teachings under its wing.

Divine life coaching is like life coaching, only, Great Spirit is involved in the mix. We delve thoroughly into the not-so-obvious reasons why there are barriers between you and experiencing freedom in your present situation, by examining how your unique heritage of Fear plays a role in your life.

In the end, those of us who have experienced true love must come to know what the master means in the following parable by Anthony de Mello:

Student: What is love?

Master: It is the total and utter absence of fear.

Student: What is it that we fear?

Master: It is Love.

Since we live in a fear-based culture, what Jidda Krishnamurti called “a profoundly sick society”, it’s quite a tall order to wish to be healed and not have to lean on our system in a milquetoast, palliative fashion.

The coaching is also dubbed divine because, as a practical matter, sacred space is created, and light elements are invoked. Further, the inner masculine and feminine are worked on equally in healing, for both men and women, so that the end result is to become perfected through the Tao’s timing, which is to respect the yin and yang flow of existence. This is the hope, at least: both sides bring their equal share of healing and gifts, with the goal being to honour them equally in the name of soul equilibrium.

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​In Thomas Ulrich’s book, Made for One Another, we read the following: “A man or woman only becomes a genuine human being when he or she acknowledges his or her opposite pole. A man becomes fully male through his recognition of the feminine within him, and a woman becomes fully female through their recognition of the masculine within her.

This is sound advice, but above and beyond this, we must also own our respective polarity, which is not always obvious when toxicity passes for regularity in this system. C.G. Jung alerted us to it when pointing out the anima or animus syndrome, where men and women adopt the opposite polarity as a guiding principle. It’s indicated everywhere nowadays, and we’re apparently supposed to be happier, while the opposite is true… a brilliant example, in my opinion, of the blind leading the blind.

With regards to the masculine, a healthy image that comes to me often is of a firm and protective hand opening a door to our creativity and spontaneity, our feminine aspect… namely, our childlike beauty and intuition, our tenderness and care, among other phenomena on the verge of extinction, like hopefully politicians who pay lip service to fuzzy feelings (virtue signalling), such as known criminal Hillary Clinton supposedly writing about radical empathy on medium.com without even knowing spiritually what empathy is about.


Incidentally, I’ve heard many spiritual leaders say that our world is a reflection of how twisted and unhealthy our minds are. I disagree completely, for this just grabs the responsibility for our world from the shoulders of our leaders and engineers and places it squarely on its citizens who, for the most part, do their best to survive and heal. If you’ve had a child, it’s clear you’ll notice the child’s innocence, that this world corrupts you to the bone when you discover that spirituality is all about unlearning rather than deepening the inherent wisdom that you hold.

Make no mistake about it, for when Jesus Christ told his followers to become a child so that they could enter the kingdom of heaven within, he didn’t say to remain one…

It’s very clear to see why we are sick: those with the eyes to see and ears to hear discover sooner or later how we are lead by psychotic individuals in need of more than just therapy… like with this puppet once upon a time prancing about the world stage, selling us war as peace, threatening to blow up the planet… but not before selling us on the virtue of radical empathy, which perhaps may be something you experience outside duplicity as you heal in your process.


And so, there are many ways to approach healing work. For instance, it can be done shamanically with a soul retrieval, or from the heart chakra when learning to release relationship fears linked to your childhood, or in one’s mindspace when repurposing certain egoic parts (like those outlined in the Kartmann Drama Triangle, such as the pleaser or perpetrator, saviour or critic, etc.).

​In all instances of metanoia, defined as a change of mind or lifestyle, which may come as a result of atoning for an error after we have missed the mark with respect to doing the will of Heaven (and not our own limited, egoic will), we learn that energy is moving through us and making way for something that replenishes us, even if that may feel painful (albeit in a transient, impermanent fashion).

As for doing our own egoic will, we do it for most of our lives (if not all of it, blindly), and it leads us deeper into more and more subtle and devious gradations of entropy… which is not unlike trying to escape Earth with oodles of cash in the cockpit to burn as deliverance on the darkside of the only moonscape that we apparently ought to know about.

Divine life coaching brings in deeper definitions of love, as in the 7 Sacred Teachings, with Eagle at the forefront, in order to feel more full in our lives. And what is fullness? In gnostic texts, Jesus declaims this often so that you might build your light body and enter it after you take your last breath, so as not to return in the loop of reincarnation. It’s letting go of all accrued baggage so that you may be like a child… only this second time around, as a so-called adult, you’re a bit wiser with respect to your boundaries.

Until our soul fades lighter than a feather (as the berated Egyptians saw it), we’ll be coming back here for another round… and another… and another… with hardly anyone growing any the wiser… perhaps until, one finer day, wisdom may become good for business… and perhaps healing may be a thing of the past?

Incidentally, it is no mistake that, in this system that passes for our consensus reality selling us an AI god in the pipeline, reincarnation is deemed a fluffy belief, and not a guidepost, one from which we could make more informed decisions regarding soul sanity and full health.

It is for very devious reasons that, during the Council of Nicea, considered by some to be the most important event in Christianity after the resurrection, Constantine killed off everyone who voted with an aye for deeming it a good idea to not omit mentions and hints of reincarnation in the bible.

As a result, we have cemeteries haunting our collective consciousness with their propagandized fear of death, which consequently leads to a fear of life, disables our courage, cemeteries being just one of many institutions contributing to our fear-based culture.

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After I discovered that spirituality was defined by Anthony de Mello as wholesale unlearning, it dawned on me that there might be a conspiracy against healing ourselves in this system, against feeling full… in other words, an ethos of damage, rather than one of support and flourishing (to say nothing of one of repair). The Jesuits stated it very clearly a few hundred years ago when they enforced the following, taken from Proverbs in the Old Testament: Give me the child until it is 7, and I will show you the man.

Our pedagogies are based on this still, and it obviously leads to sickness: to the extent that you are alienated from yourself will you be toxic to yourself and others. And so, cue the medical bills, the trips to the drug store, with recreational means (read: survival) passing for healing. Is it any wonder that so many with commonsense are running for the jungle, where at least there is still a bit of grass left unclaimed by the proverbial Crown?

As I’ve witnessed it in public schools as a teacher, the damage is certainly done by the age of seven, and apparently, in our culture, becoming an adult is to become enfeebled on many levels. Who said that slavery only contained your body… isn’t your mind, heart, and soul in that cubicle or desk too? This apparently passes as a moot point nowadays, since success is more often defined by money and whether you have an office or not rather than whether you’re truly happy in a standalone way.

Unfortunately, with respect to children growing into men or women, all I’ve mostly seen are individuals mistaking automatism for adulthood, and the world is no different in spirit than it was during the Dark Ages, since division, and not unity, rules the roost of the world. Why would Anthony de Mello and Jidda Krishnamurti, among so many others, say that spirituality would be a process of wholesale unlearning, rather than a celebration of what we all learn in the first place? Obviously, it’s because he knew the deep, dark secret that this system reveals to you after you’ve seen through yourself, that is, that the poison doesn’t fall far from the poison tree.

Everything I learned about being a human being, I’ve had to unlearn, and nowhere did I learn how to be a man save for how to be toxic, repressed, and defensive. And yet, grace accrues from doing this work in many ways, such as when it brings us closer to others. As De Mello once remarked, “Drop your false ideas. See through people. If you see through yourself, you will see through everyone. Then you will love them.

This, incidentally, is how I’ve learned to love myself on a progressive basis: by seeing through myself, a scarecrow kind of self too naive to fight back and too vulnerable to not be constructed by institutions passing for decency, when in reality, they are clearly, uncaringly psychopathic.

In the kind of system that we live in (and it is a system, obviously, since no one is free… and who wants to be free when the ones awakening just a bit too much are killed under the glare of Big Brother’s care), it stands to reason that we must learn defences against sharing who we are with the world, let alone our partners.

It’s obvious to most that both men and women have had to adopt toxic masculine and feminine traits, like the perpetrator or harsh critic, the pleaser or the gossiper, in order to defend themselves against their inner world. Religions are based on this, as they take turns playing roles as perpetrators, victims, and saviours, and make the wheel of fortune go round and round…

The result is a plethora of confused men and women behaving like the system tells them to, emasculated and frustrated, and thus dangerous… and perhaps endangered one day… especially since inner nature has been forsworn from the word go, all for the sake of complying to bad news passing as the good news.

When nothing is hidden, when tears and guts and what’s hidden become as familiar to us as Tim Horton’s cups found on the wayside of highways, where eventually niggling habits like anger and emotional coldness heed to healing, a sense of deep humanness, and thus love, may ensue, rather than a deeply endemic sense of loneliness that passes as normalcy in the eyes of bleating sheep being led to the slaughterhouse selling you a tasty slurpy with heavy metal boosters.

🙏 blessings of healing 💚 fullness 🦅 and irony ✨ on your spiritual path ☯️

I’m a coach and healer, a teacher and culture cruncher. Contact me at info@patrickrosewood.com.

