Hmmm, who’s in their power? Hmmm, he is. Who’s engaging with such bitterness? You are. Get over yourself and help others instead of just using your words to convince the world how David Wolfe is corrupt or evil or whatever. He’s selling products that help people, you silly goose. It’s not booze or cocaine or processed Cheez Whiz, you know? He’s created himself a little empire, what’s wrong with that? Have you noticed, we live in an economy, where making lots of money is one of the goals, along with helping others. Why are you the moral yardstick of how David Wolfe should live? Like, he should live like you? Bickering at the other end of a computer? Please.
Here’s some unsolicited but worthy advice. Drink some ashwagandha, shatavari, and mugwort tea, twice a day, for about 30 days, take 15 pills of powdered Reishi mushrooms on the 31st, along with a kava-cacao elixir, on the strong side, maybe partake in a shamanic ceremony while you’re at it, and then, send him a thank you note in the mail. Peace. It’s loving acts like that that make the world just a bit brighter, rather than this poison you had to unload. Blah blah blah…