Oracle·Vision Readings

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
2 min readAug 26, 2021


The sun shining through a bus in Winnipeg.

I have done daily oracle and vision readings as a part of my healing process for a few years now. Using a few powerful decks here and there can easily point us towards aligning ourselves with our higher self, our truth, and course-correct as a result.

As opposed to conventional therapies like CBT or psychoanalysis, I sometimes can heal more in one day, with only a few draws, than I ever did in over a decade of horsing around with my ego in various professional offices (and forcing people to suffer its “clap-trapist” tendencies). That’s because some of my decks point out your shadow and don’t mind telling you the truth, whether you like it or not.

As such, I’ve enjoyed using cards to dig out my own light or darkness hidden deep within, including others’ when called to do it… although it has happened a few times that people wished for the readings to stop (given they were revealing too much too soon). Funnily, I have a few interesting stories where relationships shifted dramatically given that the dramas in the person’s life (who was being read) included people in their presence, whereby the situation required some poise and grace.

As part of my healing practice, I also enjoy sharing notes to friends or clients containing what I’ve received in terms of help, whether before or after a session.

I also sometimes tap into the Akashic records or ask certain ascended masters for information that may be of benefit to a client. What comes up is nearly always what is most needed to progress on the spiritual path. I call it receiving a “pronouncement”, for it is Spirit pronouncing to you exactly what is needed, with perfect timing.

Oracular information is hardly ever random or used to bolster a person’s ego with news of a specific past life, or what is to occur. If anything, the energies are used with the deepest respect in order to remove barriers and limitations between a client and their fully healed, divine Self.

Blessings of vision and purpose for you.

I’m a coach and healer, a teacher and culture cruncher. Contact me at

A double rainbow at Bannock Point near Winnipeg.



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