Qiga (Qigong + Yoga)

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
3 min readAug 26, 2021


Qiga is a healing modality that’s come to me in the past two years. It combines Egyptian qigong, as channelled by Jason Quitt, and a form of yoga that I’ll dub Vibral Yoga for now. Vibral refers to your solar plexus, where Grandfather Sun resides, and in this form of yoga, much energy is distributed through this area, which is above your navel, and then down through your feet and into the ground.

In essence, your body becomes like a “fuse wire” (to quote Omraam Mikhaël Aivanhov), thus bridging above and below, Heaven and Earth, which is known as the hermetic law of correspondences.

Namely, Vibral Yoga consists of mostly poses I’ve received from Spirit that use energy distribution to dislodge and heal problem areas. I’ve also practiced Hatha yoga for about 15 years without ever having had the intention to teach yoga in any way. Many of the moves are simply Hatha moves tweaked this way or that to partake in the energies of the sun and the earth.

In my case, it was to help with my immune system, since I was living in an apartment with dozens of 5G networks peppering the air with their radiation, to say nothing of being sprayed daily with chemtrails that our government sells to us as beneficial. One session of Qiga would usually help with the headaches, runny nose, the aches in my body, and other symptoms of energy depletion.

This modality came to me in early 2020; I began using it in the summer of 2020 with great results. The aim is to do yoga and qigong whilst channeling light from the sun, through your chakras and nadis, and then funnel it down to the ground, enabling you to become a circuit of sorts for recycling energy.


With regards to the system used by Jason Quitt, I’ve been mostly using both his books on Egyptian Postures of Power (Salute to the Sun and Salute to the Moon). I have only begun using the moon poses in 2021 since they are more powerful than the sun poses, and Quitt recommends you try out the sun poses for a substantial amount of time before moving on to moon poses (since you might blow a circuit, so to speak). Thankfully, there is no copyright of sorts for poses that are universal and thousands of years old.

The essence of Qiga is to protect and bolster you against the onslaught of harmful energies coming from all around you. The aim is less on holding the poses for long periods of time than intuitively knowing how long it takes energy to do its work, and then move on to another pose.

The healing energy of Grandfather Sun and Mother Earth is usually more than enough to get you back to speed with your bodies, your mind, your heart and your soul. I can’t recommend it enough. When the sun is out on any given day, I try to make it out to any patch of grass with a clear view of the sun in order to both earth myself and receive healing energy from the sun.​

This modality can also be used without the physical sun or earth. A candle can be used to take part in the alchemical energies of fire, and visualization to ground the energy in some shape or form, since it’s rather difficult, living in a city, to connect to nature.

Blessings of power, breath, and beauty to you.

I’m a coach and healer, a teacher and culture cruncher. Contact me at info@patrickrosewood.com.



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