Sacred Medicine Coaching

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
2 min readAug 26, 2021


Establishing a solid practice with sacred medicines can be a surefire way to deal with many of our modern ailments that usually remain intractable when dealt with traditionally, such as with the redundancy of talk therapy or the mindless, toxic poppycock deriving from the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

I have apprenticed with sacred medicines for the past few years, quite steadily in the last four, in the name of increased awareness.

​Some sacred medicines I’ve worked with include cannabis and its ceremonial or visionary usages, as well as Ayahuasca and San Pedro (where it is legal in the world), LSD and psilocybin analogs, as well as countless others, like the legal Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, or even therapeutic MDMA to open the heart. When I partake, it is always with the intent to heal, with abiding respect for the medicine, irrespective of whether the last treatment was bitter, sour, or sweet.

Along with determining set and setting for using such powerful medicines that alter your consciousness, sacredness is also recommended. Over the years, I’ve received various means and methods from Spirit that not only galvanize one’s medicine and the space one does it in, but also insure that comfort is included. And so, I always establish set, setting, and sacredness.

I do not condone the illegal usage of sacred medicines; however, I do advocate healing, especially when it helps you head to the roots of your problems, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. As many have discovered in our consensus, palliative system, causes of illness are rarely addressed; only effects. Insofar that these medicines have been the strongest catalysts in my life in propelling my healing along, I cannot but encourage their safe and “legal” passage in your life.

I have also gathered here and there various means to eradicate one’s karma, namely, through simple tried-and-true techniques and setups that elicit metanoia, or as the Christian path dubs it, repentance. A few methods have been esoterically hidden over the centuries and are well worth exploring if you are called to do so.

An understanding of sacred medicines is indispensable in this world of distraction and false enchantment, where illusion rules the roost with its dense energies. Some of these medicines have been the best means I’ve discovered to bridge the physical and spiritual realms when done with reverence and respect, integrity and humility.

Blessings of metanoia and healing light to you, fellow being.

I’m a coach and healer, a teacher and culture cruncher. Contact me at



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