The Vaccine Injury Protocol

Patrick Rosewood, Goy Scout.
2 min readAug 27, 2021


A protocol for vaccine injury came to me in a meditation (February 2021) after a friend shared the following video about the vaccine being an Injectable Operating System (IOS):

​The protocol involves being a conduit for a tremendous amount of light energies and powers, what the Q’ero tradition calls “apus”, or what believers of Shinto call “kamis”. It also involves using a few select spiritual tools (or spiritual weapons, as they’re known in some traditions), in order to counter the effects of the seemingly irreversible, disease-laden death track of the vaccine.

The protocol can be considered like an exercise in channeling hyper-focused light, and it’s where the spiritual and the material realms meet, where light transmutes dense energies in whatever form these latter ones may take (natural and/or artificial), such as with the nefarious luciferase enzyme, as well as the hydrogel. This is just another playing field where darkness dukes it out with light.

In the Q’ero tradition, light energy (called sami) is channelled from the upper world and brought down to transmute middle, or lower, world energies (called hucha). I do this nearly on a daily basis, and it is shamanically undertaken to the extent that one spiritually purifies themselves on the path.

It bears mentioning, however, that what is toxic for one person may be medicinal for another, and vice versa. For instance, not everyone suffers the same after having taken the vaccine, but a look at the ingredients, and the impact that they have on the body, insures that some negative effect will occur on a cellular level, regardless of what the mainstream narrative leads you to believe is good or bad for you.​

My hope is that more and more people will do their research and start asking questions in an impartial, non-personal fashion. I simply wish to offer a protocol that was gifted to me in deep meditation, after I had asked Spirit if there was anything I could do about what is happening currently in the world, with disease and death tallying up daily.

There are many useful videos that I’ve found online, or that have been shared to me by allies, that cement the fact that there is a spiritual war happening on the planet, and it is mostly unknown and invisible. These are but a handful of videos; many have been taken down by the legacy (mainstream) media.

Please do your research and make up your mind with respect to how you truly feel, and not how an outside power is telling you to feel.

Blessings of fortitude and courage to you.



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